
My Story

Let me tell you my story on how I came to discover Preventative Medicine and how this has profoundly changed my life. As a highly competitive sports practitioner, student and later entrepreneur in the tech space, I have been educated to live by the “work hard, play hard” philosophy. Always go the extra mile. Always push myself further beyond my limits. Sleep as little as possible, “I’ll sleep when I’ll be dead”, “sleep is for lazy people”. Just as my prefered actor Arnold Schwarzenegger said, 8 hours of sleep was unacceptable for me, I had to “sleep faster” 🙂 My diet was like anyone else’s among my fellow entrepreneurs, fast food, pizza, irregular lunch and dinner hours. Alcohol at will during parties. Sweet desserts at the end of every meal. When I was practicing physical activity, I always pushed harder, further, longer, until complete exhaustion. My mental state was a highly alert one, on a permanent basis. Phone calls, SMS, Whatsapp messages, people throwing problems at me all the time. When a milestone was reached, nomatter how major it was, there was no time for celebration, I needed to move on to the next one. Long story short, I had

How to best take care of your Longevity

At Ikare, we often hear people say they don’t need help with their Health, they have it covered. There are a couple of versions to their story: All the above are valuable in themselves, and all the people with such a preventative mindset are miles ahead of the ones who look the other way and hope for the better when it comes to their long-term health. However, I usually think of taking care of one’s longevity just as I think of going to the fitness club. Let’s see why these different approaches are sub-optimal: Make no mistake, taking care of your Longevity is a complex endeavour. Either you turn into a “biohacker”, invest a considerable amount of time and effort into it and do it seriously. Either you do it approximatively (and get very approximative results also, maybe benefiting from the placebo effect, where you think you’re taking care of your health, and you get some positive results from it just by believing it). Either you get professional help, such as the one we offer on

Why the best time to start your Longevity Journey is...

Preventative Medicine or 6P Medicine is a new fascinating field which allows humans to live significantly longer in good health. Instead of patients waiting to be sick before they visit a doctor, they would visit the doctor while they’re healthy and ask him to keep them that way as long as possible. One of the most legitimate questions to ask when taking Preventative Medicine into consideration, is “WHEN is the best time to start”? The short answer is, without any doubt, NOW. For the longer answer, please read below. We’ve been educated to believe that if we have no pain or unpleasant symptoms, then we are in perfect health by default. The reality is different: our body has tremendous adaptive capabilities, and when it faces stress or imbalance, most of the time it will cope with it in the short term without any external warning signs. However, in the long term, the law of compound interest applies, and small short term imbalances added up day after day, year after year, decade after decade, will end up not being minor anymore. This is where you feel symptoms. This is where you feel pain. When the body can’t address those imbalances anymore,

Comprendre les tests sanguins en 🇫🇷

Comprendre le processus Durant le premier mois de notre programme, nos patients rencontreront l’un de nos médecins spécialisés en longévité afin de comprendre sa motivation mais également sa position par rapport aux 5 piliers de la longévité. Après la première séance, le médecin vous fournira une prescription pour faire des analyses de sang. Les analyses de sang jouent un rôle crucial dans ce processus, fournissant des informations précieuses sur votre bien-être. Si vous êtes un citoyen français, il est important de comprendre quelles analyses de sang sont prises en charge par le système de santé et lesquelles ne le sont pas. Pour les non-citoyens français, vous devrez vérifier avec votre système de santé local afin de comprendre ce qui est couvert ou non. Analyses de sang prises en charge par le système de santé en France Les citoyens français peuvent bénéficier de la couverture du système de santé pour certaines analyses de sang. Ces tests sont entièrement remboursés, ce qui signifie que vous n’aurez pas à supporter de charge financière. Voici quelques exemples : Test sanguin Prix (Entièrement remboursé) NFS, réticulocytes 0 € Ionogramme, urée 0 € Cortisol 0 € HOMA 0 € Amylase, Lipase, bilirubine, LDH 0 € Électrophorèse des protéines

Biohacking and Longevity: Embracing the Right Mindset for a Flourishing...

  Introduction to Longevity and Proactive Health The journey towards extended longevity and improved quality of life begins with a proactive approach to health. Unlike traditional medicine, which often intervenes only after illness has occurred, a preventive stance empowers individuals to take control of their health early on. This narrative explores the significance of understanding our body’s needs, adopting lifestyle modifications, and leveraging modern healthcare innovations to foster a life of vitality and longevity. The Importance of a Proactive Approach   Traditional healthcare systems tend to address health issues as they arise. However, the real power lies in prevention—adopting a lifestyle that supports health before issues become apparent. Regular health monitoring and lifestyle adjustments can significantly impact our long-term well-being. The Role of Everyday Lifestyle Modifications Simple changes in our daily habits can lead to profound improvements in our health and longevity. From diet and exercise to stress management and social engagement, proactive health measures can enhance our vitality and extend our lifespan. Harnessing Modern Innovations for Health   Recent advancements in AI and healthcare technology offer unprecedented opportunities for proactive health management. These tools can provide personalized insights and recommendations, making preventive care more accessible and effective than ever.

Unlocking the Secrets of Ikaria: The Greek Island of Longevity

Discovering the Secrets of Ikaria: The Greek Island of Longevity Imagine living in a place where people not only live long lives but also thrive well into their 100s. Welcome to Ikaria, a small Greek island known for its extraordinary number of centenarians. In this blog post, we will explore the fascinating reasons behind the longevity of the people of Ikaria and the main criteria that contribute to their remarkable lifespan. A Stress-Free Lifestyle One of the key factors that contribute to the long and healthy lives of the people of Ikaria is their stress-free lifestyle. Unlike the hustle and bustle of modern life, the residents of Ikaria lead a relaxed and slow-paced existence. They prioritize leisurely activities, such as spending time with family and friends, enjoying nature, and engaging in hobbies. This low-stress environment allows them to maintain a positive mindset and avoid the detrimental effects of chronic stress. A Nutrient-Rich Mediterranean Diet The Mediterranean diet is renowned for its health benefits, and Ikaria is no exception. The islanders follow a traditional diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and olive oil. They consume minimal amounts of processed foods and red meat, opting instead for fresh, locally sourced